Taking the most efficient routes for 100 years
Combilo has a strong reputation for logistical reliability and flexibility. Most of the runs between our suppliers, our distribution centre in Waddinxveen and our customers are handled by our in-house vehicle fleet. We also work with regular logistics partners to guarantee total delivery reliability.
Fresh produce needs to stay fresh, so fast and efficient transport is crucial. Our planners are highly skilled at plotting the quickest and most efficient routes every day. Wherever possible we deliver products straight from the grower to the customer. With our track and trace system, both we and our customers can see exactly where their orders are at any time of the day, what time they will be delivered and what the storage temperature is.

Our 30,000 m² temperature-controlled warehouse at Distripark Doelwijk on the A12 motorway forms an excellent logistics hub. Here we can combine products from different growers, packing them according to our clients’ specifications and dispatching them precisely on time.